
With the level of interest in the sports world reaching the heights of movie stars, the blog will give you another point of view on sports from around the world with particular focus on South Africa. And not to deny the technology that allows the world of blogs possible the odd piece on IT will be scribed.

November 25, 2005

A wobbly boat ride

Well I didn't capsize until it came to learn what to do if it actually happened and so my first time in a canoe was in fairness a relative success, although it must be said the time of the journey around Emmarentia dam was by no means the quickest. And the first rule taught was there are those caneoists who are in the water and those who will be in the water. So I am sure the time will come sooner rather than later. But if you want to know a little bit more about the sport or might be interested in learning a thing or two then check out the Dabulamanzi canoe club.


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