
With the level of interest in the sports world reaching the heights of movie stars, the blog will give you another point of view on sports from around the world with particular focus on South Africa. And not to deny the technology that allows the world of blogs possible the odd piece on IT will be scribed.

February 23, 2006

It's a shambles

Well for the soccer enthusiast the spectacle that we should have seen between Barcelona and Chelsea in the first leg of their European Champions clash was destroyed yet again by the referee. Some may say my point of view is biased as I have been supporting the 'Blues' from the day I kicked a soccer ball but come on refs, get a grip and stop falling for the antics of the showboaters, or in this instance it would be simulators. For Del Horno to be sent off for his challenge on Lionel 'Samuel L Jackson' Messi it was simply put, a joke. Taking a step back though one must concede that without the help of the ref, the so called best team in Europe, Barcelona can't beat Chelsea. This year and the last show spectators that it took a red card in each game for Barcelona to come back and beat the Londoners. I just hope the boys in blue can do what they did last year and produce another display in the second leg that will show people the Catalans are not as good as everyone wishes them to be. For more points of view click here, here, and here.

February 20, 2006

Another platform

Well being a proud rugby supporter with a passion for writing the odd piece about South African rugby and its politics I have managed to get some space to air my thoughts on the well known, Please click through and look for articles under the pseudonyn of Ronald Munnik if you are interested. Happy reading.