
With the level of interest in the sports world reaching the heights of movie stars, the blog will give you another point of view on sports from around the world with particular focus on South Africa. And not to deny the technology that allows the world of blogs possible the odd piece on IT will be scribed.

April 20, 2006

A cabinet minister?

Imagine calling your daughter a cabinet minister. Well, it seems as if Tom Cruise and his Dawson's Creek star of a wife, Katie Holmes, have mistakenly named their daughter a cabinet minister. Well that is the modern day meaning for the Hebrew word Suri, which is what they named their new born girl. I guess they were hoping that no one would cotton on to the fact that Suri, which used to refer to a feminine Lord, actually refers to a cabinet minister. At least 'Suri' will be able to change this when she grows up. And by the way Tom Cruise did not eat the baby's placenta.

Those maggots will get you!

Hi, this is not a joke unfortunately. If you’ve seen e-news lately, they have found rat-tailed maggots in people’s toilets and sinks in Cape Town, Durbs and Brakpan so far (there are new ones every day). They start out small and grow bigger depending on how much of your waste (that’s poo) they can eat. Next time you pour yourself a glass of water, take some time to have a close look before you down it. I guess we all know that living in South Africa has the odd drawback.

April 19, 2006

If this is what it has come to - give us the Spears!

Ronald Munnik's patience with the Cats is wearing thin. He asks the question we are all beginning to ask - would the Spears be any worse? Click here to read more.